1. Review the words in a table
2. Click (memorize) in either column to begin
♦ Guess the answer in your head
♦ Click the buttons and follow the directions at the bottom of the table
♦ Or click on matching mode at the bottom of a table, after clicking on (memorize)
Word (memorize) | Definition (memorize) |
oligarchy | government by a privileged few |
august | great dignity or grandeur |
consternation | great fear or shock that makes one feel helpless or bewildered |
ebullient | greatly excited |
magnitude | the property of relative size |
verdant | green; lush in vegetation |
salutation | greeting, addressing, or welcoming by gestures or words |
wane | grow dim or faint |
burgeon | grow forth; send out buds |
malignant | growing worse |
Word (memorize) | Definition (memorize) |
accretion | growth in size by addition or accumulation |
recidivism | habitual return to crime |
veracity | habitual truthfulness; honesty |
inveterate | habitual; of long standing; deep-rooted |
reticent | habitually silent; reserved |
hackles | hairs on back and neck; feeling of anger or danger |
hirsute | hairy |
recalcitrant | resistance to authority |
fractious | unruly |
esoteric | hard to understand |
Memorize both together
Word (memorize) | Definition (memorize) |
caustic | corrosive; that which can destroy tissue by chemical action |
innocuous | harmless; not controversial, offensive, or stimulating |
concord | harmony |
cacophony | harsh or discordant sound; dissonance |
inquisitor | harsh or prying questioner |
cursory | hasty; done without care |
odious | hateful; vile |
noisome | having a bad odor; foul-smelling |
viscid | having a cohesive and sticky fluid |
asperity | having a harsh temper; roughness |
Word (memorize) | Definition (memorize) |
tangible | having actual form and substance |
perspicacious | having insight; penetrating; astute |
finite | having measurable or definable limits; not infinite |
nomad | one with no permanent home, but moving about constantly |
scrupulous | having principles; extremely conscientious |
degenerate | having sunk below a former or normal condition |
efficacious | effective |
faddish | having the nature of a fad |
clairvoyant | the power to perceive that which is outside of the human senses |
equivocal | having two or more meanings |
Memorize both together
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